August 1, 2024

Connexity × Perform[cb] Partnership Case Study

Briana Griffin
Case Study

Connexity x Perform[cb] Case Study

Breaking Down the Success of the Perform[cb] and Connexity Partnership

When Perform[cb] and Connexity joined forces in April 2022, our shared vision was clear: to unlock premium traffic and accelerate sales for our shared retail clients. This partnership has since become a powerful example of optimizing digital marketing strategies for commercial success. From expanding traffic sources to improving last-click conversions, the collaboration between Perform[cb] and Connexity has achieved great results (plus, the entire team is a pleasure to work with!).


Perform and Connexity have partnered together to unlock premium quality traffic and drive sales to Connexity retailers. The online purchase of retailer products across shared clients remains a top priority for our partnership.


  • Double-digit increases in clicks, publisher revenue, sales volume and CVR.
  • Efficiently scaled publisher traffic with new users, including incremental testing of new sources.


Best Practices That Drove Success Across All Campaigns

  • Day parting testing and targeting testing to improve conversions
  • Perform[cb] & Connexity collaborated on monthly price requests to scale up
  • Perform[cb] set up custom landing pages to drive users to key deals
  • Connexity’s placement ID expansion and customization helped separate traffic and conversion sources more accurately to optimize and scale campaigns

After Campaigns’ Initial testing Period

  • Optimized for highest converting sources
  • Narrowed targeted demographics for each brand
  • Holiday & tentpole event-specific optimizations
  • Implemented Connexity recommendations based on past sales data



Connexity manages campaigns against a retailer’s COS target, once Perform[cb] started optimizing towards this key metric they saw an immediate 15% increase is CPC payouts. Optimizing towards COS% also helped Perform[cb] effectively scale campaigns with greater conversion rates across top merchants.

Swimwear Retailer:                                    +50%

Speciality Grocery Retailer:                      +121%

Speciality Fashion Retailer:                      +400%

Autopart retailer:                                        +105%

Floral & Gift Retailer:                                 +400%

Connexity: +14% revenue WoW; New tech integrations were put in place to resolve a previous link challenge, and we still saw an increase in performance due to higher CPC payouts (-44% fewer clicks).:

  1.  Updating our optimization approach; pushing for more scale on high performing Placement IDs.
  2.  Automation; optimizing Placement IDs first thing in the morning and reducing waste

Perform[cb] Testimonial

“Through our years of work with Connexity, we have been able to drive high-quality, purchasing users for top merchants in the home decor, fashion, lingerie & swimwear spaces, along with several other niches. The Connexity team has been so easy to work with, and they have strategized with Perform[cb] on numerous occasions to bring tech innovations to life; allowing us to both scale traffic efficiently and bring users to the brands they love. On a personal note, every member of their team has been so professional and personable. We could never have achieved such high volume without the collaborative effort from both teams, always striving for better processes and solutions”

          – Sydney Techentien | Senior Account Executive at Perform

 Connexity Testimonial

“We are so grateful to have an amazing partner in Perform[cb]. From campaign performance to the general collaboration we experience on the day-to-day working together with the team, partnering with Perform[cb] is nothing short of wonderful. Throughout our relationship, Perform[cb] has been able to deliver high-quality traffic to our merchants’ campaigns – driving high converting users to site that lead to increased sales volume. Perform[cb] is always eager to lean into recommendations to ensure campaigns are operating as optimally as possible. The team at Perform[cb] is not just professional and great at what they do to deliver such strong results, but also super easy to collaborate with, always coming up with solutions that help us grow together. Every interaction with their team feels like a true partnership!”

          – Izzy Van Vleet | Publisher Development Manager at Connexity


How long has Connexity partnered with Perform[cb]?

Perform[cb] and Connexity have partnered since April 2022. By embracing a testing mindset and fostering strong collaboration, Perform[cb] quickly expanded capabilities across the CPC model to align on best practices. Today, Perform[cb] has maximized efficiency and the ability to run campaigns with all of Connexity’s available merchants.

How is Perform[cb] planning to expand our partnership with Connexity to offer additional advantages to marketers?

We are currently working to shift our landing page targeting to mobile users which requires us to change the orientation of the page into a mobile rather than web version.

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