
Merchant Listing FAQ

1. Program Basics
How does Connexity’s Retail Performance Marketing network work?

We accept a single product feed from retailers that is distributed to our premium network of leading  search, product review, blog, content curator, social influencers and owned and operated sites (Shopzilla, Bizrate PriceGrabber, Beso and Become) to drive shopping leads to retailer sites.

Your initial deposit will be applied against your Cost-Per-Click (CPC) redirect. Our program consolidates your access to millions of high intent shoppers available via Connexity’s preferred relationships with thousands of high-quality traffic sources.

You pay for customer leads on a cost-per-click basis and our Smart Pricing system adjusts pricing based on the expected quality of traffic.

How do I register for a new account?

To register for a new account sign up here. It is free to open an account and there are no set-up fees or long-term contracts. You have the option to pause your campaign at any time.

How will you get my product listings?

Merchants must submit their product information to Connexity in the form of a product feed. Click Here for our complete Data Feed specifications to create your feed.

From there, you will need to deliver your feed to us through a File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Connexity then ingests, enriches, and optimizes your feed to enable it to be distributed through the various channels that advertise your product listings.

What is your pricing model?

Connexity does not have a fixed pricing model. A bid is the amount that you enter to determine your product exposure on the Connexity network and does not equate to your actual billed CPC.

Connexity utilizes a proprietary Smart Pricing system to determine what to charge each click and ensure your ROI goals are being met. Smart Pricing is a system where CPC charges are calculated based on performance and not priced at a predetermined CPC rate. This flexible pricing model allows Connexity to charge the appropriate amount for each click as clicks all have different quality signals. Given all traffic sources are not created equal; adjusting CPCs by traffic source lets us pay more for the best traffic and less for sources converting at a lower rate, resulting in better conversion and higher sales volume.

What is Smart Pricing?

Smart Pricing is a system where CPC charges are calculated based on performance and not priced at a predetermined CPC rate. This flexible pricing model allows Connexity to acquire better sources of traffic. All traffic is not created equal; adjusting CPCs by traffic source lets us pay more for the best traffic and less for sources converting at a lower rate, resulting in better conversion and higher sales volume.

What are the benefits of Smart Pricing?

Flexible pricing allows us to acquire better sources of traffic. All traffic is not created equal; we can pay more for sources that perform better.

Here is an example: (Think of each row as a different traffic source from our network and we price based on the performance.)

What are the Minimum CPC Rates?

The minimum CPC rate that can be placed is £0.05. Connexity then uses its proprietary Smart Pricing system to automatically adjust your CPC based on traffic quality. This allows us to send the best quality leads by adjusting your rate for both higher and lower converting traffic. Our Smart Pricing System will adjust the CPC higher or lower for individual clicks by traffic quality.  A CPC rate is the amount that you enter to determine your product exposure on the Connexity network and does not equate to your actual billed CPC.

How are my products ranked in your search engine?

Product exposure and placement in search results is determined by the relevancy of our products to the search query and the amount of your CPC bid.  Titles, descriptions and other required data fields will also factor into the placement of your products so we encourage you to optimize your data feed appropriate (provide all required fields, optimize product titles, etc.)

2. Getting Started
Fund Your Account

Once you have registered for an account you can choose to make payments via Direct Debit or Prepayment.

Click here to view our payment options in your account interface.

All payments will go towards CPC leads to your website and there are no additional set up or listing fees.

Create a Data Feed

A data feed is a file that contains all of your product information, such as product titles, URLs, image URLs, price, and other important pieces of information that we use to list your products on our sites. Click Here for our complete Data Feed Specifications to create your feed.

How are my products Categorized?

Connexity does its best to determine your category placement by looking at the category field in your feed. There are instances where our system predetermines a better placement and moves your products into a different category. In these instances, please feel free to reach out to Connexity Merchant Services to help with your categorization. Click here to see a complete list of the subcategories included on our site.

Submit your Data Feed

Connexity accepts .txt and .csv files in a variety of formats including Google formatted feeds. Click Here for our complete Data Feed Specifications.  In order to submit your product feed, you will need to set up a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) location. An FTP is a standardized network protocol used to transfer files between a client and a server over the internet.

You can use our FTP or define your own FTP / HTTP / HTTPS location. You can set up your delivery settings here:

If using our FTP location, start here:

  • In order to update your feed from your FTP location, you must first download an FTP client. There are many free FTP programs such as Filezilla which you can download here:​tt
  • Login to Filezilla with the credentials that were generated.
  • Drop your feed file into the bottom right quadrant of Filezilla.

If using your own FTP/HTTP/HTTPS location:

  • Enter the appropriate location details (Domain, Path, Filename, etc.).

After completing the steps above, a member of the Merchant Services team will contact you within 24 business hours.

Submit Key Performance Indicator KPI

Connexity is a performance marketing network. For us to successfully optimize your campaign, we need to understand your key performance indicator (KPI).  We utilize your performance success metric to help us understand how to optimize your campaign for success.  Although we do not guarantee performance, by understanding your KPIsand having a feedback loop to help us optimize your account , we strive to reach your goal.  Connexity can us a variety of KPIs such as Cost of Sale (COS), Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Return on Investment (ROI), Cost Per Order (CPO) and Cost Per New Customer (CPNC).  During the registration process, we ask that you notify us of your KPI metric before we activate your campaign.

Submit Universal Tracking Parameter

Connexity partners with content curators, creators, and social influencers who will introduce your store, brand, and products to a whole new set of customers. These partners often drive a large volume of high-quality leads to pages such as deals, top products, clearance, etc. In order to track these sales, you need to provide a “universal tracking parameter” that we will append to these URLs. This traffic, just like any other channel, will be smart priced higher or lower based on traffic quality. To opt-in, simply enter the parameter on the merchant interface.

How do I know when my campaign is ready to go live?

A member of the Merchant Services team will be in contact with you to provide an activation date.

Where can I submit questions?

Monday through Friday between 9:00-5:30 GMT you can call our Merchant Services number: 020 7029 3300. You can also use the Contact Us link on the upper right of your account interface to reach us.