April 10, 2023

Aumenta i ricavi della ricerca: dati di prodotto del commerciante pronti per PLA

Michael Cheng

Grow Search Revenue

With PLA-Ready Merchant Product Data

Content providers and CSS syndicators in the Connexity network are able to scale revenue growth from search PLA monetization with access to merchant offer data formatted specifically for PLA program development.

  • Scale revenue from top merchants
  • Access high-traffic opportunities with performance-based pricing
  • Reduce data burden for search PLA development
  • Stay current on Bing and Google data requirements
  • Streamline link creation to include full performance tracking

[IMG-Placeholder: Insert collage image of close up Bing and Google PLAs]

With years of partnership experience in search PLA auction campaigns by Microsoft Shopping and the Google CSS program (in European markets), Connexity continuously aligns our merchant data to current data specifications of these platforms. We reduce the data transformation burden on Connexity publishers with access to merchant offer data structured to meet Bing and Google PLA ingestion requirements.

[IMG-Placeholder: PLA spec?]

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